MICOD with funding from GAPP are implementing a project "to strengthen citizens participation in health and education service delivery " .
Under this project MICOD conducted a two days training of community resource monitors(CRMS) at New Doral guest house in Bweyale town on 15th and 16th march 2018.

The training was purposed at  equipping Community Resource Monitors with ;
  • knowledge and skills of monitoring key public services provided by Local Government.
  •  mobilise communities to monitor development programs,to empower them to demand for 
  • better services and to enable them follow up issues raised on different accountability fora
At the end of the training CRM's ;
  • Expressed understating and relevance of their training to their work and community.
  • Expressed  high degree of cooperation and participation in project implementation , community mobilisation and empowerment.
BUSINGE .C. NICHOLAS a facilitator training CRM's
CRM's during the training
KIIRYA ELLY the project officer giving an overview of the project during the traing.


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