community baraza held on 27th march 2018 in Alengo village dimma parish, Mutunda sub-county Kiryandongo District
In fulfilment of the objectives of the project of strengthening citizens participation in health and education service delivery in Kiryandongo district a community baraza was organised by MICOD with a purpose of Creating space for citizens to share key issues,Bridging gap between the leaders and community members and Creating awareness of rights to community members.
The baraza was attended by local Leaders, Parish Accountability Groups ,Community Resource Monitors and community members.
the following were the issues that were raised during the meeting:
issues from the education sector
- The community members were blessed with the secondary school but the school does not have any developments it is declining in all aspects starting from the number of students,most of the students rent but the behaviours in theses rentals are not good which leads to many of them becoming mothers at an early age, teachers are not well-equipped with knowledge they pass on to students and lastly they said the school is not fenced leading to students moving out any time they feel like.
- Diima primary school and Mutunda senior secondary school are the near by schools to alengo village but again hasve a lot of challenges the teachers are not enough and that the transfer of the deputy head teachers has lead to the collapse of the school.
- High level of school dropout in Mutunda senior secondary ,a school that ha over 600 students now has 200 students.
- There are very many students in classes making it hard to know the pupil’s weaknesss one on one he gave an example of p.4 and p.2 at edu primary school.
- A member on the board of Mutunda S.S by the names of Charles said they have not had meetings for two years now making decision making difficult, parents never turn up for P.T.A meetings in schools,the metron is always drunk and once talked to “ she said she is on payroll”
- There is poor leadership and management at the school
Issues from the health sector:
- The health workers at the health centre 3 mutunda ask for money yet they do not want to work,
- A member from the community said that at the health centre iii ,there is no security personel at the gate
- health workers normally speak in English which the local people do not understand .
- They said in the maternity ward there are no beds and nets at Mutunda health centre iii.
- There are very little drugs at the health centre for the persons infected with HIV.
- The health workers take a lot of time before they respond to the patients at the health centre.
- There is theft of drugs at the Health centre III.
- The V.H.T seems to be helping but spendS less time at the health centre.
- At the health Centre III they demand for money to use the ambulance
- They don’t vaccinate the women after delivering,
great thanks to every one who is participating in the implementation of this project and making it a success.we are nothing with out your support.
community members of Alengo village during the community baraza |
maternity ward at diima health centre |
residents airing out their isses |
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